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2003-11-13 - 10:43 p.m.

For my shameful neglect of you, dear inhabitants of the Land of D! I�ve been so busy even though it seems as though I do nothing at all.

This week I�ve been kitty-sitting for my friend who flew off to Antigua to get married; I bought a treadmill which I hope to use for its intended purpose and not as an expensive clothes hanger (as I usually do); and I�ve been preparing my holiday swap box which is to be sent out on Saturday the Fifteenth.

On this last one I�m stuck because we are supposed to include a self crafted item and frankly I�m not so crafty. I was going to knit a Christmas stocking but that went awry - besides which the recipient is a fabulous knitter and does not need my pathetic offering - so now I�m struggling to find something quick and easy to do with items I can easily find around my home.

You know if I didn�t have to waste so much time at my damn day job I wouldn�t always be so scattered and rushed. Why oh why wasn�t I born independently wealthy?! Oh well, at least I wasn�t born into slave labor either. There are worse things, I guess, than a middle class existence.

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