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2003-01-11 - 10:26 a.m.

I live in Brooklyn in the neighborhood known as Park Slope. I love my neighborhood; it has beautiful Prospect Park, lots of cute shops, and great little restaurants (emphasis on the word little). B and I went out to dinner last night at one of the fine establishments within easy walking distance of our house. The food was excellent, the service good; the only problem was that the tables were spaced mere inches apart. Obviously so that they could fit the most people they could into the room which was about the size of an average living room. Luckily when we got there it was rather empty because we had to pull the table out so the my fat ass could get to my chair.

Unfortunately upon ordering another couple came in and sat at the table to our left. I hate being so close that I�m constantly conscious of what�s happening next to me, and aware of them observing us.

While I can on occasion enjoy eavesdropping, (especially when its obviously a first date), I don�t enjoy hearing comments on my dinner choices. B and I chose to have the special: braised rabbit with chorizo. I was sitting next to her so I didn�t see the look on her face when our plates arrived (B did, he said he wanted to slap it off her) but I did hear her proclaim, �I would NEVER eat a rabbit!� (She had steak) Now all I wanted to do was enjoy my meal that I paid handsomely for, so I opted to say nothing but it irked me all night so I�m going to tell you all here what I didn�t tell her. (WARNING: If you don�t want to hear about where food comes from stop reading here.)

I eat meat. I believe that all earth�s creatures are beautiful�.and quite tasty. I think its ridiculous to say that you wouldn�t eat a rabbit because bunnies are cute and cuddly with the same mouth that�s chewing on a big bloody hunk o� cow. Apparently cows are not cute enough to be spared. I imagine chickens and pigs are alright with her too, even though pigs have intelligence equivalent to a three year old child.

To those people who object to wild game like rabbits and deer on the grounds that its cruelty, I would like to offer up two scenarios. A beautiful deer who has lived all his life in these woods is taking a drink from the stream. He hears a click and raises his head. BOOM! Its all over. Cruel? Sure its cruel. So is this: On a farm somewhere there are calves chained so that they cannot move a muscle, they are fed a diet of milk until they are fattened up. This is far more cruel in my opinon and it�s the reason why I�d choose venison over veal. But that�s my personal choice. You will never find me spouting out my views over someone else�s dinner plate because when it comes down to it eating meat of any kind is inherently cruel.

I have the utmost respect for vegetarians. I honestly agree with you that eating any form of meat is cruel, and maybe if all of my meals came from Zen Palate I could be a vegetarian. But I doubt it. I�m just not a herbivore. I tried it, it didn�t take. So I try in my own little way to be less cruel. I buy free range meat whenever I can, cage-free eggs, etc. It probably makes no difference whatsoever, but it helps me sleep at night.

Drink of the Day: Smith and Wesson

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