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2004-01-25 - 11:04 a.m.

Remember, Frankencar ? Well, yesterday he died again�right in front of the parking lot entrance for the supermarket.

While I�m thinking �I�ve got to tell B that I killed his car� again!� a bunch of yahoos, jerks and idiots are yelling at me for blocking the way in and out.

So I jump out of my car to yell back and something happens that shames me to my core�I started to cry. Once second I�m seething and the next I�m sobbing and then some big strong guys help push my car slightly out of the way (now I�m only half blocking the lot) and I can�t stop thinking what a freaking wuss I�ve turned out to be. Damn!

You know all I wanted to do was return those damn bras to Century 21 and get some dog food, and instead I�m stuck there waiting on a tow truck, crying like a baby because mean people were angry that I was in their way.

One really nice girl came over to make sure that I was all right, gave me a tissue and helped direct traffic around me for a while until I could get hold of the tow truck and the garage.

To redeem myself, when I saw an opening, I pushed the car myself out of the way of traffic. I called B in Vegas and gave him the lowdown and mercifully he was very understanding and supportive letting me know that it wasn�t my fault.

So enough about that crap. Onto something important�

I was reading Mrs-Roboto�s take on the state of the union address.

I, too, am definitely left of center, and while Dennis Kucinich�s views are more closely mirroring my own, and since Dean turned from Angry Guy to Creepy Guy with his uh...concession speech, I have decided to vote for Wesley Clark. Not the least reason for this being Michael Moore�s support of him.

Whether Clark will truly do as he promises I cannot say but the agenda that he is issuing is one that I can appreciate for his environmental policy, his tax strategy, healthcare tax break proposal, education reforms and the fact that he is the only candidate to come up with a concrete plan to end the war in Iraq.

I�m still reading up on some of his policies but overall he seems like a good candidate, one with the potential to sway republican voters who are less than enchanted with the current regime in a way that I don�t feel Kerry, Edwards, or Dean (and certainly not Kucinich) could.

I would love to vote with my heart but I really feel that if we want to get rid of Bush we need to go with the candidate who can appeal to the more conservative voters as well.


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