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2004-01-09 - 8:39 p.m.

Have you seen this aggravating commercial for TimeWarner Cable's new feature for pausing live TV?

Its a montage of a young redheaded boy named Harold at increasing ages sitting in front of the TV and being forced to stop watching for a variety of reasons:

Time for your bath (baby),

Time for school (young boy),

Time for bed (Teen)

and then finally, we get to him as an adult and his wife comes in and says, "Time to mow the lawn."

Fortunately Harry now has the ability to pause the boxing match he's watching in order to. . . Mow the Lawn?

What?! Since when did the lawn have to be mowed at a specific time?

The writers couldn't come up with something better than that? How about time for dinner... Time to pick up the kids... Time to make hay while the sun shines....

Anything's better than time to mow the lawn. What's going to happen if he doesn't get to it for another hour? Is it suddenly going to burst into flame? Grow wildly out of control engulfing the house?

Seriously people, c'mon!

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